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Five Things More Important Than Passionate Sex In A Relationship

In many conversations among young unmarried people, sex is given prominence as the basis of most relationships. Even among some married people, sexual relations both within and outside marriage remains a constant source of conflict. There are countless studies that have associated sex with happiness in relationships. This emphasis has… 

Finding Ezer 8: Ten Signs that She is not Emotionally Responsible

Emotionally responsible people make the best marriage mates. This is because love (an emotion) is the strongest bond that holds a man and woman together. As we have learnt in a previous podcast, love can be learned. In the same way that emotional responsibility can be learned.  Marriage should be… 

Finding Ezer 7: How Men can Show Emotional Responsibility

A lot has been written and said about men and emotional “intelligence”. I do not think that emotional intelligence is a separate form of intelligence needs he acquired after a person learned to act intelligently in other matters. If men are capable of intelligence, then emotional intelligence comes bundled in…