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Book Review: The President’s Daughter By Abigail Anaba (Guest Post)

The President's daughter mock-up

Pheeeew. A page-turner indeed!

This is the first book by the author that I am reading and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The plot is simple yet convoluted but the author ties all the strings together in simple yet taut prose.

A president’s daughter who would die if a ritual is not conducted. However, the ritual involves the theft of a prized art piece from a London museum. Add mercenary terrorists into the mix and what you have is an intriguing plot. The book is easy to read, full of suspense and set in contemporary times. Those familiar with Nigerian politics would recognize numerous infamous incidents from recent Nigerian history including “missing” vessels, political godfatherism, and marriages of convenience.

Other themes in the book include mother-in-law issues, supernatural interventions, colonization and theft of cultural paraphernalia.

Perhaps the line that most struck me was this “if John could pimp her out for children, then she could do the same for her pleasure”. Eventually, I think this line may be the most consequential in the book. All the affairs in the book seem to be a pimping ‘situationships’ (to use a common lingo). Whether it is the president’s consigliere patronising call girls or the president doing same to his wife. People are either being used or using others.

If there is any snag to the book, it has to be the length.  Although the version I read was just a 125-page excerpt. Trust me, this book is worth its price and if the final version is lengthy, all the more impressive!


Review by Omololuoye. Follow this reviewer on Twitter @omololuoye


Abigail’s note:

The full version of the book (245 pages long) is now available for purchase on Okada books for N2,000. You can also pre-order on Amazon for $3.99 USD. Also, watch out for the release on Bambooks. The President’s Daughter is only available on e-book format for now.

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